The Registration of Geographical Indication is a service that helps to protect the unique origin and identity of a product in a specific geographic area. This service is especially important for products like wines, cheeses, and other food items, which are produced in specific areas and are known for their quality and authenticity. It also helps to protect the economic interests of the producers in the area. Through this service, the producers of the goods are able to assert their legal rights on the product, preventing others from misusing the product or falsely claiming they are the producers. GIs are used to indicate the quality and characteristic of the product, and they protect producers from unfair competition and help consumers identify the product’s origin. The registration process ensures that producers of GIs have the right to use their GI and are protected from imitations and misappropriations. With a registered geographical indication, the producers can ensure that their product’s unique origin and identity is protected and that their economic interests are safeguarded.