Difference between AS and GAAP
Accounting Standards and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are two distinct sets of rules and regulations that govern the preparation of financial statements. Accounting Standards are rules and regulations that are set forth by international or local governing bodies, such as the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) or the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). GAAP, on the other hand, is a set of accounting principles that have been developed over time by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).The primary difference between Accounting Standards and GAAP is that Accounting Standards are more prescriptive, while GAAP is more principles-based. Accounting Standards are often more detailed and specific, as they are created to provide a uniform set of rules and regulations for the preparation of financial statements. In contrast, GAAP is more general and allows for flexibility and interpretation.
Another difference between Accounting Standards and GAAP is that Accounting Standards are usually updated on a regular basis, while GAAP is rarely changed. Accounting Standards are often updated to incorporate new technologies, changes in the business environment, or changes in the law. In contrast, GAAP is rarely updated, as it is considered to be a set of principles that have been developed over time and that are meant to remain consistent.
A third difference between Accounting Standards and GAAP is that Accounting Standards are often more complicated and require professional expertise to understand. GAAP, on the other hand, is considered to be easier to understand and is often used by the general public in their personal financial activities.
Finally, the most significant difference between Accounting Standards and GAAP is that Accounting Standards are mandatory, while GAAP is voluntary. Accounting Standards must be followed in order for financial statements to be considered accurate and reliable. In contrast, GAAP is considered to be a set of guidelines and does not need to be followed in order for financial statements to be considered accurate.
Overall, Accounting Standards and GAAP are two distinct sets of rules and regulations that govern the preparation of financial statements. Accounting Standards are more prescriptive, while GAAP is more principles-based. Accounting Standards are often updated, while GAAP is rarely changed. Accounting Standards are often more complicated and require professional expertise to understand, while GAAP is easier to understand and is often used by the general public. Finally, the most significant difference between Accounting Standards and GAAP is that Accounting Standards are mandatory, while GAAP is voluntary.