Are Trademark Costs Capitalized in India?
Are you curious to know if trademark costs can be capitalized in India? If so, you’ve come to the right place!
Trademarks are a valuable asset for any business and are an integral part of the brand identity of a business. While trademarks offer a number of benefits such as identifying a business’s products and services, providing protection against competitors, and increasing the goodwill of a business, it can be quite costly to obtain and maintain a trademark. This cost can be substantial, considering the long-term benefits that a trademark can provide.
So, is it possible to capitalize these costs in India? Before we answer this question, let us first understand what capitalizing costs mean. Capitalizing costs means recognizing an expense over a period of time rather than in the period in which the expense was incurred.
In India, the Income Tax Act, 1961 permits the capitalization of certain expenses under Section 35AD. According to this section, expenses on acquisition of intellectual property rights (IPR), including trademarks, can be capitalized. This means that the cost of acquiring a trademark can be amortized (spread out) over a period of time, instead of being expensed in the period in which it was incurred.
At the time of Registering a new trademark which can be expensive job, but with the right strategy you can capitalize on the fees associated with the process. You can capitalize on registration fees, legal fees, court costs, and other associated costs. However, the cost of marketing or promoting your trademark cannot be capitalized, as these are considered operational expenses and kept out of the balance sheet. When it comes to valuing your trademark for sale, it is important to carry out a separate valuation of your trademark instead of simply relying on the book value. This will ensure that you get the most out of your trademark and can capitalize on all associated costs.
At the time of purchasing a trademark- When you purchase a trademark, whether standalone or along with a business, you are making a valuable investment as it comes at a fair market value. This valuation is usually determined through a third-party appraisal, ensuring that you are paying a fair price for the trademark.
The remaining life of a trademark is also a factor that influences its value. A trademark has a lifespan of 10 years from the date of registration, after which it must be renewed in order to keep the registration active. If you fail to file for the renewal within the stipulated deadline, the trademark will be cancelled and its value will be greatly diminished.
There are certain conditions which must be met before the cost of acquiring a trademark can be capitalized. Firstly, the trademark should be used in the business of the company. Secondly, the trademark should be registered with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) of India. Thirdly, the trademark should be acquired for a valid purpose and should not be used for speculative purposes.
In addition to this, the cost of the trademark should be considered to be of lasting benefit to the business. This means that the cost should be capitalized only if the trademark is expected to remain in use for at least five years.
Finally, it should be noted that the cost of trademark registration, renewal, or maintenance cannot be capitalized. Only the cost of acquiring a trademark can be capitalized.
So, to answer the question, yes, the cost of acquiring a trademark can be capitalized in India, provided the conditions outlined in Section 35AD are met. This can be a great way to save costs in the long run, as it allows businesses to spread out their trademark expenses over a period of time instead of expensing them in the period in which they were incurred.